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2016 Interim Study Resolutions

on Monday, 4 April 2016 in Dirt Alert: David C. Levy, Editor

Members of the Nebraska Legislature introduced over 100 legislative resolutions for interim studies thus far during the 2016 legislative session. Although March 29, 2016, was the last day a senator could introduce an interim study, each standing committee may introduce one additional study prior to adjournment sine die, which is scheduled for April 20, 2016. Here is a list of the interim studies we are currently tracking.

An interim study authorizes a legislative committee to study an issue during the summer and fall. Interim studies often preview issues that legislators prioritize during the next legislative session, and they offer a unique opportunity for the public to influence legislative proposals prior to the introduction of legislative bills.

Of note, LR 439 will examine the use of tax increment financing (TIF) by municipalities for residential development, including the role of school districts. During the 2016 legislative session, a number of senators raised concerns with the use of TIF, while others argued for more flexibility on TIF to encourage economic development. LR 439 will provide the public with another opportunity to interact with legislators to influence how TIF should and should not be used. The Legislature will also evaluate other urban redevelopment tools available to municipalities (LR 605).

A number of interim studies will focus on energy. LR 599 will evaluate the process by which public power adopted rate increases in electrical power rates over the last decade. A legislative hearing on LB 1068 led to the introduction of LR 599. LB 1068 provided authority to the Nebraska Public Service Commission to review electric retail rate increases, but the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee indefinitely postponed the legislation. LR 579 will evaluate the development of solar electric generation in Nebraska and policies to accelerate development of solar energy by residents and businesses.

Tax reform will again be a focus for many in the Legislature, including income taxes (LR 562, LR 592), sales and use taxes (LR 594), financial institution and insurance premium taxes (LR 592), and property taxes in Nebraska (LR 593, LR 600, LR 604).

You can find a copy of each interim study on the Nebraska Legislature’s website at

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about any interim studies or if you are interested in participating in the Legislature’s work during the interim. Thank you.

David C. Levy

Garner R. Girthoffer

1700 Farnam Street | Suite 1500 | Omaha, NE 68102 | 402.344.0500

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