For employers of mid-level practitioners who choose to enter into written employment agreements with these vital health care professionals, significant consideration should be given to various aspects of their professional liability insurance coverage. It is a mistake to duplicate the professional liability insurance contract provisions applicable to employed physicians in […]
Health Law Alert
CMS Toolkits: Empowering Medicaid Providers, Beneficiaries, and Stakeholders with Educational Resources
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”), through the Center for Program Integrity (“CPI”), provides educational resources for providers, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders to share best practices and increase awareness of federal health care program fraud, waste, and abuse. The program integrity functions of both Medicare and Medicaid were […]
LB 37: Its Adverse Effects on Nebraska Hospitals, Large and Small
LB 37, amending the Nebraska Pharmacy Act, will become effective in September 2015, and may have a surprising effect on Nebraska hospitals. First, it will be much more difficult for hospitals to dispense prescription drugs to emergency department patients when a pharmacist is not on duty. Second, Federal Trade Commission […]
Congress Includes Fraud and Abuse Changes in Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate Legislation
President Barack Obama signed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) on April 16, 2015, repealing the Medicare program’s embattled Sustainable Growth Rate formula (SGR), thereby avoiding a potential 21 percent cut to Medicare physician payments. The Act—Public Law 114–10—furthers the Federal government’s mission to transition health […]
CMS Proposes Changes to the Meaningful Use Program
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released two proposed rules affecting the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program (“Meaningful Use”). The first set of proposed rules relates to Stage 3 (the final stage) of Meaningful Use. The second set of proposed rules relates to Stage 1 and Stage […]