Baird Holm LLP partners Amber Preston, Jonathan Wegner and John Zeilinger recently presented at Bank Director’s “Acquire or Be Acquired” Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here are some of the major takeaways and trends from the attendees and other presenters at the conference: Earnings Trends (Finally) Improve. Firms tracking bank […]
Securing Patent Rights under the America Invents Act
The passage of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (“AIA”) on September 16, 2011 has brought with it a flood of changes to United States patent law. These changes have incrementally come into effect over the last two plus years, with the final stage of implementation effective as of March 16, […]
Technology and Intellectual Property Case Watch
Videogame Voiceover Work Constituted Work Made for Hire Lewis v. Activision Blizzard, Inc. et al, C 12-1096 CW (N.D. Cal. October 17, 2013). This case from the Northern District of California involved a dispute between a video game developer and an employee who had provided voice-over work for […]
Legislative Update – Bill Summaries
Legislation Introduced to Provide Real Estate Tax Credits The Nebraska Legislature introduced two bills to provide tax credits for primary residences and agricultural land. The first bill, Legislative Bill 913, would allow a tax credit against state income tax for property taxes paid toward a primary residence. Under LB 913, […]
103rd Nebraska Legislature, Second Session: Real Estate, Renewable Energy and Municipal Law Update – Part 4 (Days 18 – 22)
The second session of the 103rd Nebraska Legislature continues to proceed with hearings underway or scheduled for a majority of this session’s bills. Here is an update on the bills we are tracking related to real property, renewable energy, and municipal law. Copies of the bills and information regarding status […]